Good Heatmap Colors. Color is a core component of this chart type so it s worth making sure that you choose an appropriate color palette to match the data. The earliest record of the distinction between warm color and cool color as suggested by the 1890 attestation of the oxford dictionary can be found in a 1764 poem written by oliver goldsmith.
The earliest record of the distinction between warm color and cool color as suggested by the 1890 attestation of the oxford dictionary can be found in a 1764 poem written by oliver goldsmith. Get greedy with the colors don t put too much color into your heatmap palette. A rainbow color scale is not a good idea for visualizing your data.
As an example the default setting for the bime heatmap take a look at example dashboards here to see what i m talking about.
Color is a core component of this chart type so it s worth making sure that you choose an appropriate color palette to match the data. A rainbow color scale is not a good idea for visualizing your data. Color is a core component of this chart type so it s worth making sure that you choose an appropriate color palette to match the data. Get greedy with the colors don t put too much color into your heatmap palette.