Rose Gold Braces Colors. In a rgb color space hex b76e79 also known as rose gold is composed of 71 8 red 43 1 green and 47 5 blue. Metallic colors which have a sleek look similar to metal.
Rose gold has a hue angle of 351 degrees a saturation of 33 6 and a lightness of 57 5. In a rgb color space hex b76e79 also known as rose gold is composed of 71 8 red 43 1 green and 47 5 blue. Experiment with different colors you might want to wear.
English language names are approximate equivalents of the hexadecimal color codes.
Some people wear braces for months even years therefore you want to pick a braces color that you ll be happy with. Braces band colors and your skin tone. Braces wax is clear so it won t change the colors. If you have fair skin cool colors look best so try silver sky blue light pink or lilac.